NEW Options Strategy Lectures (Data-Driven Options Strategies)
New options strategy research uploaded to Data-Driven Options Strategies
Hey Traders!
I am pleased to report that I have completed new options strategy research and have started uploading the lectures to the course:
Learn the New Options Strategy in Data-Driven Options Strategies
The new strategy we're exploring here is the short Iron Butterfly, a short iron condor where the short call and put are at the same strike price.
If you’re unfamiliar with Data-Driven Options Strategies, check out the previous email sent out in September about the first strategy:
New Section Contents:
Why short Iron Butterflies instead of Straddles
Basic Short Iron Butterfly results on SPY (30, 60, and 90 DTE)
P/L simulation graphs explaining position profitability at various points in time
How time-based management prevents experiencing max trade losses
Analysis of historical Iron Butterfly trade losses vs. the max loss potential when implementing time-based management
How to adjust Iron Butterfly strike prices to structure the trade more advantageously for long-term upward market drift (which increased the historical win rate from 64% to 81%)
Three Iron Butterfly strike price setups compared with risk graphs
Historical results of these setups on SPY
Analysis of historical Iron Butterfly trade losses vs. the max loss potential when implementing time-based management
Strategy results when sizing trades to a percentage of the trading account
Strategy results when sizing trades to a consistent dollar amount
and more analysis to come!
The strategy is much more suitable for small account traders, as the current margin requirement for one contract in SPY is $1,500 vs. $7,500 for the Hypergrowth strategy. The worst losses experienced in the new strategy rarely get close to the margin requirement / max loss potential, though it can occur.
For this reason, I recommend an account size of at least $5,000 to trade the strategy discussed in the new lectures.
I can't wait to upload more lectures to provide additional data on this strategy and begin a new section on the short put spread (put credit spread) strategy.
Learn the New Options Strategy in Data-Driven Options Strategies
The first batch of recorded lectures will be uploaded throughout this week. I will be out of town from July 20th - 30th and resume research and new lectures when I return.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope to see you in the course!