Sep 18, 2022Liked by projectfinance

Glad to see you are making that push beyond your educational content from which I learned so much. Please share some more objective information if you have with timeframe on getting started along with suggested account size minimum. I glad that you are going this route into mentorship or coaching your soon to be subscribers or members

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And thank you, Chris, for your coaching an tips along the way.

I have very high confidence that my TSLA position will go deep ITM before it expires in just under two from now.

Looking forward to exploiting this new program you have created as well.



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I'm so glad to see the new content, Chris. I want to know more about this. I'm having some success with the LEAP strategy but missed a really spectacular opportunity when it peaked before the collapse in Tesla's price back in February. The Stock Split allowed me to reposition for future growth and recover from that oversight. I'm checking into your new course today.

Stay well.

Looking forward to the next chapter in your quest.


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