The Poor Man's Covered Call [The Ultimate Beginner's Guide] 💵
A new options trading guide on an increasingly popular strategy. Check it out!
Dear readers,
I’ve just published a written guide on a strategy I’ve never covered before:
The Poor Man’s Covered Call [The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide]
The PMCC is a covered call alternative that requires much less capital to trade.
Guide Contents:
While I’ve been away from home and unable to create videos, I’ve been getting back into writing so that I have lots of material to work with when I return home.
I’m excited to begin making videos again.
What content would you like to see on the channel in the coming months?
Let me know!
Using the strategy similar to your MSTR strategy I purchased the January 2024 1600 call last week. It's up, at this moment, about $6500. It was up over $10,000 earlier today but has pulled back to its current level. I'm giving some thought to using your "Risk Free" strategy of selling a call several strikes below that one and then putting that premium into another long call; maybe SPX.
"...middle of the Pacific..."??? Without being specific, U.S. Possession or non-U.S.?
Thank you Chris! can you give us an update on how are your MSTR Calls or what have you changed so far?